Past and Present is Tavik’s way of paying homage to the musicians that may have been forgotten, but continue to inspire us today. In each installment we take music from earlier generations and compare it to the songs they influence today.
Vaporwave is one of the more recent genres music has seen, and its definitely a breed of its own. Claimed to be a child of Seapunk, Vaporwave is a stab at capitalism, sampling infomercials, elevator music, and mocking the early digital age. Not all of its contributors strictly follow this guideline, but each create music with the same general motive. MACINTOSH PLUS is one of the more prominent Vaporwave artists, and can be seen as a more tame approach than others. Listen to their song “リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー”, as well as Diana Ross’ “Its Your Move”.